The start of a very exciting journey at the Lister Hospital - 30th Nov 2022

Venue: The Boardroom

So I have been dying to share some exciting news on a project I have been working on behind the scenes!

Together with Andrea Kresojevic we held our very first PMPSA – Practice Managers in the Private Sector Association at The Lister Hospital.

It was an open, confidential and pressure-free space to meet other Practice Managers and express our views and opinions – and we certainly did!

As a Practice Manager working in private practice, I always found it difficult to find a group that provides us PMs with a space to share views and discuss issues that can arise from working in the private sector. There is immense support for the NHS understandably, so I reached out to the Independent Doctors Federation and sadly there was no forum for a Practice Manager to join.

I therefore started reaching out to other like-minded PMs and the response was fantasic! The meeting allowed us to discuss all things practice management, to meet and connect with others PM’s, offer support to one another and to simply have a chat with colleagues in a similar position!

It was super helpful and relieving to hear the different situations we are facing on a daily basis. It was refreshing to be a part of the discussions and I think I speak for myself and the group when I say we no longer felt alone in our struggles and realised we are dealing with some really difficult issues which have potentially become the “norm” for us without actually realising just how much pressure we are putting on ourselves. It was definitely an eye opening moment!



It was an absolute DREAM for me to meet more Practice Managers in Private Practice; it was what I had initially set out to achieve when I first started this group and being able to hold a meeting and have gain attendance was fantastic – I’m truly grateful.

I’m sorry to those who were unable to make it on this occasion. I want to thank those who were able to attend: The Mews Practice, The Moore Medical Practice, BASUTO MEDICAL CENTRE LIMITED, Basil Street – the feedback from you all has been wonderful! A huge thank you to Poonam VaghelaSilvana Ferrillo and Cristina Greitas for allowing us to host this event at The Lister Hospital and for the gorgeous canapés – what a treat.

Definitely looking forward to hosting my next event in the New Year and potentially meeting more of my fellow Practice Managers in Private Practice!

“Well done for getting it off the ground. Onwards and upwards!”

“What a great initiative”

“I think this is a brilliant idea and In my opinion practice managers play an integral role in ensuring patients get the very best care.”